By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.Associate Editor
It’s said that people with mental illness face a double-edged sword.
Not only do they have to contend with serious, disruptive symptoms, they still have to deal with rampant stigma. Sadly, mental illness is still largely shrouded in stereotypes and misunderstanding.
Stigma also can lead to discrimination. Yes, even in this enlightened day and age, it doesn’t appear as though prejudice and discrimination against individuals with mental illness are decreasing. (This study shows in some cases, it might even be increasing.)
We see stigma everywhere. Every time violence is automatically connected to mental illness in an article or news report, we see it.*
We see it in movies and other forms of media. We see it at work where stereotypes might be perpetuated, where employees are afraid to “come out” with their diagnosis.
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